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55 Kip Center - Bergen County’s Only Nationally Accredited Senior Center of Excellence

The Kip Center is a non profit Older Adult Activity Center located in Rutherford and serving 14 communities in southwest Bergen County and surrounding counties. Its mission is to promote the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual well-being of older adults and to facilitate their participation in all aspects of community life.

$10 annual fee for Rutherford Residents; $15 for non-residents 201-460-1600

Resources for Seniors Citizens in New Jersey

Golden Age Club Ruth Kubs - 201-933-8048 Coordinated with the Recreation Department

Guardsmen Don Falken (201) 438-3378 Coordinated with the Recreation Department

Open to all male retirees from age 50 and up. To become a member, one is invited to attend one or more meetings as a guest of a sponsoring member. If further interested, he will be asked to submit an application to the Membership Chairman. At the next meeting the new member will be nominated by sponsor for membership and voted in by present members at that meeting. The object of this organization is to provide fraternal communion, diversion and fellowship for men who have retired from their occupations, business or professions.

Location: 30 Woodland Ave.

Membership: Dues are $15.00 a year and no initiation fee. Events: Guest speakers, trips to a variety of attractions, museums, plays, and Atlantic City.

Meeting days and times: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month , from 12:30pm-05:00pm Coffee, Tea and Danish are served before start of meeting at 1:00pm On 1st meeting of month and after meeting usually about an hour, cake and sandwiches are served (donation of $1.00), followed by card playing (poker, pinochle, billards..etc.) Recreation days and times: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, from 11:30am-05:00pm Card playing (bridge, poker, pinochle, billards, etc.)

To encourage active participation in all things having to do with civic, commercial and industrial betterment, and of service to mankind.

To promote and uphold the principles of good government and foster good citizenship. To further in every honorable way the interest of its members and bring about a better understanding among people. To cooperate with other organizations and individuals in worthwhile endeavors for the public good.